How to Apply for Partial Unemployment Benefits

When people lose their job or get their hours reduced, they dive into part-time work to make ends meet. Depending on your situation and location, you may be eligible for partial unemployment benefits while working part-time. Generally, you can get unemployment benefits when you lose your full-time job. However, did you know that you can get partial unemployment benefits if you lose a part-time job or if your full-time position becomes part-time? Continue reading to learn more about what partial unemployment is and how to apply for it.

Partial Unemployment Benefits

Partial unemployment benefits are payments provided by the government to individuals who have lost their jobs and meet specific criteria to receive them. In order to apply for partial unemployment benefits, you must meet all the necessary requirements. Which are different depending on the state you live in. The number of partial unemployment benefits you receive depends on the state in which you live and the amount of money you earned during your last year or two in your previous job.

These benefits are funded partially by the state and partially by the federal government. The application process can be quite complicated. So it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you file your application. This guide will explain how to apply for partial unemployment benefits and what to expect as you go through the process.

What is Partial Unemployment?

Partial unemployment is when an individual is working reduced hours or is employed less than full time due to a lack of work. This happens through no fault of their own and is sometimes referred to as being underemployed. Some companies may offer reduced hours to employees as an alternative to being laid off completely or being made redundant. Workers are typically only considered partially unemployed if they want to work full time but are unable to due to circumstances outside of their control.

Moreover, workers who are unemployed may be eligible for partial unemployment benefits. These benefits are designed to encourage workers to work part-time. If they’re able, while they continue to look for full-time employment. You are considered eligible if your hours were reduced from your current job or if you’re working part-time and are in search of other opportunities. Just like we mentioned above, State law determines who is eligible for partial unemployment benefits. In most cases, an individual is not considered eligible if they voluntarily choose to work part-time.

What are Partial Unemployment Benefits?

Partial unemployment benefits are part of the Labor Department’s Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Program. And they are paid to eligible workers who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits but are still unable to find employment after a certain period of time.

Although they’re called partial unemployment benefits, these payments don’t constitute an entire paycheck. Rather, they are meant to be a supplement—paid when you aren’t receiving your full salary or aren’t working at all. The benefits are paid by most employers directly and usually through direct deposit on payday (typically biweekly or monthly). However, you can also receive partial unemployment benefits through direct deposit from your state if you were let go from a job before your previous payday.

Who Qualifies for Partial Unemployment Benefits?

To be eligible for partial unemployment benefits, you must have been recently laid off or fired and meet a few criteria. It can vary from state to state, the main requirement is that you’ve either earned enough or worked enough time to collect unemployment. To begin with, you must have worked at least a certain number of hours during your qualifying period (the number of hours required depends on your state’s eligibility requirements). Furthermore, in most states, you usually have to have worked a full year before being eligible for unemployment. You must also not be disqualified from receiving unemployment benefits in any way. If you meet these criteria, you may qualify for partial unemployment benefits.

But generally, you are eligible for unemployment benefits, partial or full, when you are fired. If you quit your part-time job or suggest to your employer that you would like to work fewer hours. Generally, you will not be eligible for partial unemployment benefits. Moreover, although benefit eligibility varies, most states agree that a worker who voluntarily chooses to cut back on hours or work part-time is not eligible for partial unemployment benefits.

Things You Must Know Before Applying

Partial unemployment benefits are money paid out by your state government when you lose your job through no fault of your own. It helps you to bridge the gap between jobs and is administered by your state’s unemployment agency. Although there is an application process that varies from state to state, in general, you must have earned at least half of what you made prior to losing your job, pay taxes into a fund through payroll deductions, and be looking for work. If you meet these criteria, it should not take more than a few weeks to receive partial unemployment benefits.

However, if your application is denied or if you need help with filing an appeal or appealing a decision. Contact your local legal aid office as soon as possible. They can help you get back on track with collecting partial unemployment benefits. Remember, it is very important to file timely appeals. You only have so many days after receiving notice of denial before your right to appeal is forfeited. To find out how much you may be eligible for in terms of benefits, visit and click on state summaries.

As for what your check will look like, that can get complicated. And whatever you get, it probably won’t be much. Every state is different, and every salary is different. Each state will determine your benefit payout based on several factors. Many state unemployment agencies have online calculators for eligible individuals to get an idea of their potential benefits. Typically, the state determines a reasonable, sustainable, weekly value and then subtracts the amount you are already working each week.

How to Apply for Partial Unemployment Benefits

The first step in filing for partial unemployment benefits is to find out if you are eligible for them. The most common time frame for partial unemployment benefits is after you have worked and lost your job within a 6-month period. Many people don’t realize that when they quit their job, it doesn’t count as an involuntary loss of employment; they will still be able to get these benefits.

Moreover, if you are eligible for partial unemployment benefits. There are several steps that need to be taken before you can receive them. It’s important to note that not all states allow for receiving partial unemployment benefits. Make sure you check with your state labor department or contact an attorney who specializes in social security law if you are not sure about whether or not you qualify.

However, you should apply within the week you are first laid off. You want to do it immediately because the faster you get into your state’s unemployment insurance system, the sooner you can get paid. It can take a few weeks to get that first unemployment direct deposit. You will probably apply online or by phone, but every state is handling this differently. Moreover, you’ll have to contact your state’s unemployment insurance office. The Department of Labor has a helpful website with a list of all of the state offices.

Meanwhile, have your documentation handy when you apply, including your Social Security number and driver’s license number. You will also probably need your spouse’s and dependents’ Social Security numbers and dates of birth. If you want a direct deposit rather than a check in the mail. Then, you’ll need to supply your bank account and routing numbers.

Application Steps

Furthermore, once you have determined that you are eligible for partial unemployment benefits, here are some basic application steps:

  1. Complete a request form – You will fill out Form UC-13E (Unemployment Compensation Application). Which can be found on your state’s website. You may also need to complete additional forms depending on what type of compensation program you apply for (extended benefits).
  2. Fill out paperwork – Along with completing Form UC-13E, you may also need to fill out other forms depending on your situation.
  3. Submit documentation – Along with filling out forms, you will also need to submit documentation such as pay stubs from your previous employer(s) and information regarding how long you were employed at each company. Depending on what kind of documentation you submit, it could take anywhere from two weeks to a few months for approval.
  4. Receive benefits – After submitting all necessary documents and being approved by your state agency. You should receive partial unemployment benefits within 30 days.

Processing your Application

Moreover, if you are approved, you will be notified by mail that your application has been received and is being processed. The processing time is approximately 10 days. Once processed, benefits can be paid to start on day 23 of your unemployment claim and continue weekly until either you return to work or file a new claim at a later date. You may also qualify for up to 26 weeks of additional benefits called extended compensation if you have dependents or if you live in an area with high unemployment rates. You must apply for extended compensation separately from regular UC payments. Extended compensation is not available in all states.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, partial unemployment benefits are designed to provide temporary income support for workers who lose or got their hours reduced. Unemployment benefits are paid to the individual, not to a business. Your benefits should be deposited into your personal account. Do not conclude that you’re ineligible to apply for unemployment benefits. The best way to find out is to make a claim. Your state unemployment office will be able to tell you whether you’re entitled to receive benefits. And you never know until you try. The state will do the necessary calculations. They’ll see if you have sufficient past earnings to qualify and determine how much your weekly benefit will be.

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